Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why pulsar dtsfi getting so late to be launched what are they waitng for are they worried of some re

I dont know why bajaj is not launching its dtsfi version i fell they are checking the market or somethingn else is obstructing if it gets late then the probblatiy of the bike getting failed are the simtuoms occur becz too much of waitng can cause problems for a company i feel personally , i feel they are bit shakey in launching it can you give reasons fo rit, i been waiting fo rthe bike since few months now my expectation are started to die , so wha tis hte final verdict for the bike launch in india please answer me soon

Why pulsar dtsfi getting so late to be launched what are they waitng for are they worried of some reasons?imax theater

Pulsar Dts-fi is late as bajaj is refining the FI technology. It will be launced before march 2007. You can follow the news from

The contractor and governemnt are late in getting me my security pass (as a subcontractor) is this n

I have been working on the governemnt site by letting me in as a visitor to do the work. I do have a contract with the contractor but the contractor is late in getting my security pass to officially access the governmenty building - Are my hours billable - is this delay normal because of the holidays ?

The contractor and governemnt are late in getting me my security pass (as a subcontractor) is this normal ?dream theater

I don't know about the delay being normal, but if you are doing work, you had better make sure your hours are billable! Does the lack of a pass prevent you from meeting your contractual obligations? If so, straighten it out before you invest any more hours! If not, bill for your time. If there is doubt, get an answer, in writing, from your employer.

Getting sick from staying up late?


I am now home on summer vacation from College, and enjoying every minute of it. In about two weeks time, I am flying up to Boston for a week to see family, as well as a performance of the Boston Pops. The Friday night before I go, our local theater is hosting a showing of Jurassic Park at midnight for free. Can I get sick from staying up too late and not getting enough rest? I know its a weird question, but I ask for two different reasons.

The first one is.....a year ago I went to Disneys Grad Nite (get up for school at 7 AM, go to school all day, then go to Disney until 7 AM the next morning), and within a week I was sick. Now, I know this is different from a trip to Disney.

The second reason is...I am going to Boston, and really cannot get sick right before I go.


Getting sick from staying up late?amc theatre

The fact of staying up late does not get you sick per se. It is the consequences of staying up late that can and make you weaker (lower your immune system). Therefore, you become more prone to catch something and less capable of fighting back when you come in contact with some virus or infected bacteria. If you stay up late, try to take a nap the next day, try to avoid situations where you might get exposed to a virus or infected bacteria (avoid seeing any friend who is sick,...), take vitamins before and after, eat healthy, ... do some exercise (relieving stress). Your main goal is to help your immune system during this period when it is not as efficient as usual. Then you should recuperate by napping or going to bed early the next day. hope this helps.

Getting sick from staying up late?symphony opera theater

Yes. When you do not get enough sleep it affects you in a lot of ways least of all is lowering your immune systems resistance. With a lower immune system you will get sick more often because your body won't be able to fight off things it normally would.
You do need to get sleep for you to revive itself. Resting gives your immune system a chance to caught up with your busy life and not sleeping certainly hurts your immune system. No, you will not positively get sick if you don't get proper sleep, but you do become more susceptible
Yes lack of sleep can affect your immune system which can make you sick.

"Things that weaken the immune system are poor nutrition, lack of exercise, stress, and lack of sleep. These all increase the risk of getting sick. Anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C and Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) are considered to be good for the immune system."
Here's the thing. The cold virus is just that a virus. Your body cannot "make" the virus. You have to catch it by airbrone or other means. However, staying up late and not resting can stress your body out. Thus making you more likley to get sick than someone that has rested their body. You can try and take some herbal remedies to boost your immune system if you like and drink some OJ in advance and while on your trip. That should help but I make no promises. Have fun on your trip and try to get some rest in between when you can :)
Yes, it is very possible. The average person your age should be getting about 8 hours of sleep each night. Not getting the full 8 hours for more than one night in a row can start to lower and weaken your immune system. Your immune system is your body's defense system against germs and diseases it encounters.

I recommend working your schedule out in a day planner to ensure that you are fitting in enough time to get proper rest each night. Other things that might help: Drink plenty of water, take a vitamin c supplement as well as a zinc pill. And make sure you're eating healthy (well, fairly healthy anyways...)

Hope this helps!
You can get sick if staying up all night is stressing your immune system. The best immune system protection is "airborne", you can get it a your local grocery or drug store. It's a natural herbal mixture invented by a school teacher.
Loosing sleep can effect your immune system negatively.

By weakening your immune system you open yourself up to germs and viruses.

I would reccomend washing your hands regularly as well as taking some precautions such as oral zinc tabs and perhaps some Vit. C.
It is possible. Not getting enough sleep can weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to illness.
Try to get as much sleep as you can leading up to the trip tp avoid sleep debt. Also increase your intake of Vitamin C and Zinc to allow your immune system to function at it's best. Taking a multivitamin (which will have the vitamin c and zinc in it) is best.

While being sleep deprived can cause your immune system to be compromised, I find it hard to believe it was over one day. More than likely you caught something during that Disney trip (there's germs all over those hand railings and such) and that's what made you sick.
the first time you got sick may have been just a fluke ,but then again this could be how your body responds to lack of rest also ask yourself about other times where you didn't get enough rest and then you might have you answer,,usually illness occurs when the body receives a germ or some type of system failure so to speak if you have a weakened immune system from some other source then rest is very important.but I would guess that you can do this without getting sick good luck have fun!!

My period is 1 day late and im getting milky muscus on mu this a sign of periods or pre

we are trying for a baby, and i was spotted little brownish lastweek(that was first time) and my period is late for 1 day now im getting little milky white muscus..also my breast and nipples are this sign of period or pregnancy?

My period is 1 day late and im getting milky muscus on mu this a sign of periods or pregnant?imax theatre

Either. My first clue I was pregnant happened 5 days after conception...I was at a party and felt dizzy. I thought it was the cigarettes (I'd been smoking 5 weeks because of a friend dieing) so I quit. Two weeks later I started feeling awful and very very weak. Still didn't have a clue until I didn't get my period and then I did a pregnancy test.

My period is 1 day late and im getting milky muscus on mu this a sign of periods or pregnant?performing show opera theater

it could be both...but for a day late there is not much to say..these signs you are talking about seem more like you will get your period pretty soon.
that sounds like a sign of your period just wait and see, usually your breast don't hurt until later in the pregnancy.
i think u are pregnant and brown bleeding was implantion bleeding.wait few days and then take pregnancy test
this early it could be a sign of either. before my period begins my breasts always become sore and i have a white mucus apparent. But if this continues throughout the entire week then you just might be pregnant!
just tkae a test because it could be a sign of ur period but it is also sounding like ur pregnant
Could be either..try to take a test...if come neg, wait 6 more days, if still no period, retest.
could be pregnancy or it could be your period is getting ready to start take the test to no for sure
It could be pregnancy or just your period about to come. Sorry! The nipples/breasts could be just your period too.
Everything you describe could be because of pregnancy or your period coming... I hope you are pregnant, but if you aren't, please read _Taking Charge of Your Fertility_ by Toni Weschler. It will help you determine next time what is going on.

Good luck!!
sign that your period is coming. your vagina is cleansing itself

I am over a month late, feeling bloated and pregnant, but still getting negative home pregnancy test

My husband and I are trying the "when it happens, it happens method" of trying to conceive...avoiding as much stress as possible. I am over a month late, feeling hungry, bloated, and irritable, but still got a negative read on two hpt I took about 2 weeks apart. Has this happened before to anyone and found out they were pregnant? I know going to the Dr. and getting checked out would be the obvious answer, and I will make an appointment soon, but need advice. We would really like to start a family, but find that trying to keep it stress free is stressful in itself!

I am over a month late, feeling bloated and pregnant, but still getting negative home pregnancy tests.?shows

so is she

I am over a month late, feeling bloated and pregnant, but still getting negative home pregnancy tests.?comedy show opera theater

Cut back on the salt. Seriously.
OMG ME TOO!!!.. I am so stressed out about it would really help to have somone to talk to should e mail
are you sure you're not stressing too much? You could be thinking about it a lot and then start to have "Symptoms". Most people TTC will imagine the symptoms simply because deep down they want it really bad.

But on a positive note, I've heard of women getting many negatives and then finding out later they are a few months pregnant.
You do need a blood test. Exploring assisted reproductive technology (IVF, IUI) is an option there are grants to help with costs in some states. You are allowed to get your heart rate up to 120/min when pregnant - go exercise and blow off some steam (nothing weight bearing - try walking fast)
the only thing at this point would be to get a blood test...good luck!
Maybe there's just insufficient hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your urine to produce a positive result.
If you are over a month late then you have missed two periods so the best thing is a pregnancy test. Then sooner you know for sure the best care the baby will receive. I never bothered with hpt, if i was 8 days late i went in for a blood test and knew for sure, and i always was.
I think you should just go to a doctor instead takin them home pregnacy tests because this might not be workin the only way u will kno for sure is goin to the doctor.....
you may be pregnant, i tested negative using first response until i was two months along with my last.... also check the expire date on the tests you bought, should be stamped on the box somewhere.
I am not even supposed to be able to conceive and I have been having preg symp for 2 months. I noticed a gain in weight of over 20lbs and then missed one cycle, had the next but it was very light and short (and late by17days). Two hpt later, I 'm suppsedly not preg. My experience with hpt failures in the past encourages me to suggest you see your dr asap though. The last time I had multiple hpt show neg, I went in for a MRI, even had HCG test run there at he DR offc and had to wait the results out for 3 days. Two days after the MRI, I was having a miscarriage at work. It was an awful experience in ways I can't even describe. I use hpt s when getting to the dr isn't possible, but I am also aware of how many tests have defects, shipping damages and sit on the shelf too long (a lot of stockers don't use the FIFO rule). Get to your dr, ask for a blood test or an HCG to be run, this will measure how high your HCG levels are and give you an idea of how far along you are even.

Good luck!

Also, a lot of pregnancy specialists will tell you to eat yams to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Especially if you are past 30; not sure how old you are, but, it might help. They told my fried going through IV to do this.

How do I stop being 'nocturnal', going to bed v. late, and getting up equally late...?

I can't sleep until 5 am, and I can't wake up before 12am, what's the best way to break this habit?

- I wasn't always this way. I just started working late, then sleeping late to compensate and now it's just getting silly...

How do I stop being 'nocturnal', going to bed v. late, and getting up equally late...?concert venue

1. Set a time when you want to be able to go to sleep.

2. Avoid caffeine (coffee %26amp; soda) 4-6 hours before this time.

3. Don't do anything stimulating near this time like watching tv

shows that you are very into and can get you excited.

4. Set a time when you want to wake up.

5. Get two alarm clocks for this... place one next to your bed

and the other one across the room.

6. Focus yourself before you go to sleep that you will wake up

and get up when the alarm clocks go off.

7. (This is the toughest - you will need a lot of will power)

When the alarms go off, force yourself to get up to turn

them off and go to the bathroom to wash your face with

cold water.

If you can go straight to the shower right away, it would be

much better.

8. When you still feel like going back to bed, try to resist.

As days go by following your sleep "schedule", your body will start to get used to shutting down at a certain time and waking back up at a certain time.

9. (This is the most important piece of advice)

On days when you do not have work, wake up at the same

as you normally would, or 1 hour later at the very latest.

Good luck!

How do I stop being 'nocturnal', going to bed v. late, and getting up equally late...?events opera theaterThough I still like my own answer, I too would agree with the one chosen as best. Some people, too, need 6 or 7 hrs sleep a night, others nead 8 or 9. An individual thing, not right or wrong. Report It

I would join the military.
I have no answer, because I was JUST ABOUT to ask this question. I'm freaked out that you just asked it. I am having the EXACT same problem. I'll be watching this question. Maybe I'll go find myself more advice. I need an answer as well though.

I've always had such nocturnal tendencies, it's so annoying!

My mum told me, "Well go to bed at like 10 tonight like a normal person and wake up at 7 tomorrow."

It's obviously not that easy.
I do the same thing and I can just kick my own #%26amp;%)$.

What I eventually do is stay up a full day and get myself so tired and rum dumb that I will go to sleep at a normal hour and if I don't allow myself to get back in the habit I can go to bed at a decent hour and maintain that.

Every time I do get myself into a normal routine of sleeping it would seem that something happens that gets me back into the old habit and again I could just kick my own @*%26amp;%).

I now better understand why OLD people are so set in their routine of bedtime and rarely go anywhere or do anything that interfers with that.
Some of us are larks, naturally early risers and perky too. I don't relate well to them. Owls, now owls are wonderfully nocturnal creatures, so wonderful that society doesn't work along the same hours.

I suggest you make a decision to pull yourself back slowly over the next 3 weeks at least, minim,to see change. Start going to bed at 4 .M. and get up at 11 -- I don't care if you lie in bed 5 hours awake because you went to bed i hr, eaarlier. And I don't care how hard it is to get up at 11, just do this for several days. Then pull it back to bedtime at 3 A.M. amd up and 10A.M etc. until you are at a more reasonable schedule. You may have to do this in lesser increments of 1/2/hr at a time. The hard part is the getting up! But as you cut sleep

time off the late morning, you'll find your body is having an easier time falling asleep earlier. Then you'll be more like all the rest of us fake larks. You can tell we're like you because we can do it, but we'll never ever be perky at those awful hours!
i myself work 4- 12:30 and i used to be a morning person butt reallywhen you get home dont go straight to bed, have a snack and veg out on the couch and if you want to wake up so you can have some what of a life set an alarm clock, butt make sure you are getting your sleep. and really its not a habit but something natural. if its that extreme it may be insomnia (sorry if i spelt it wrong) and you may require sleeping pills

Why my site is getting very late to get downloaded?

my site is

its getting very late to get downloaded. WHat may be the reason? and how can i make it speed to get downloaded?

Why my site is getting very late to get downloaded?performing shows

Considering your web site is hosted for "free", and that you are blocking the banner ad that pays for your free ride, I would imagine you aren't given a very large bandwidth allowance. I'm guessing that flash file is very large, and your bandwidth is very small. Try buying a better hosting solution.

Why my site is getting very late to get downloaded?say yes opera theater

Before you attempt a download, free up your RAM:

remove wallpaper and set screensaver to none.

close all unnecessary open programs.

Be aware that a 1/2 hour download on dialup, will take about 3 minutes with cable.

Therefore, you need a good connection and free RAM.
sounds like your connection is slow try to get away from dial up if possible

Don't you think it's getting late?

I have never make love to my boyfriend who I have been with for quiet long time now and I feel that it's getting too late now.Is not normal for a gal to ask for it first?

Don't you think it's getting late?mr messed up

no!don't you think he just respect you a lot for not asking for it? it when you;re married

Don't you think it's getting late?getting late opera theater

well, if you feel you can talk to him about sex and stuff why not bring it up? but dont say it as if your asking for it. start the conversation off by being gratfeul that he respects you. Maybe he doesnt feel confident enough. If you dont want to talk to him about it just wait. It will happen t some point and when it does youll be happy that you waited.
Hi Liah, What is wrong with your B.F.? If you are ready he should and have been ready from the start.I would ask him what is wrong don't you find me attractive anymore?? If he says why tell him you have been ready to take the next step in your relationship and you having try or mention anything about sex. That's the way to handle this. Good Luck and good hunting!!! Lol

A Friend.

Don't ask, just start if your ready. He will NOT push you away if he is ready as well.

Have fun and use a condom.

Getting to an interview - one hour early or 10 mins late?

I have an interview tomorow at a company - its about 20 miles away from my home. The question is .... since there are road works going on i have to catch the bus and have found that i can arrive 1 hour early or 10 minutes late - those are the only buses going there.

Do you think it would affect my chances of getting the job if i arrive 10 mins late and what woud being an hour early say about me to the interviewer?

Getting to an interview - one hour early or 10 mins late?tickets

1 hour early - shows enthusiasm but then again what are you gonna do for an hour if they have other interviewees?

Getting to an interview - one hour early or 10 mins late?ballet opera theater

Definitely an hour early. You know you don't even have to go in an hour early just hang out, go for a walk, get a sandwich...relax.
If you get there late many inntervierwers will not even see you.

Get there early and have a look around.
Neither. Go early and find somewhere for coffee, or ring andsee if you can change the time of the interview to work with the bus.
20 minutes to half an hour is the idea time to get there before an interview
Coming late to an interview is a big no-no.

It gives the impression that you don't care about getting the job and you could potentially be late for work every morning.

I would say that arriving an hour early because it was the only public transport available to you to ensure you were on time, shows commitment to getting the job and giving it your best effort.

I would suggest going early and getting a cup of coffee or a newspaper on the way. I'm not sure what else is in the area but I'm sure that there's something you can do.

Alternatively, you could call ahead today and ask if there is any possibility of moving the interview forward by half an hour or so.

Good luck with the interview, whatever you decide to do.
Being early is a very important thing.

In an interview it is very important 2 make a good first impression. 2 be an hour early shows tat you are committed 2 your work. If you have nothing 2 do you should get something productive (intellectual) like finding a book or newspaper.

good luck
I would choose one hour early. If you arrive early it shows that your into the job and could help your chances compared to other interviewee's. When your late for an interview (even if it is 10 minutes) it looks bad and could reflect how you will be if you were hired.
Never be late for an interview, would not create the right impression. Just get the earlier bus and go for a coffee or just a walk if no cafe`s about....

Oh and good luck..........
why not 10 minutes early? dont ever show up late for an interview unless you dont want the job silly
always aim for 10-15 mins early -
i always arrive 10-15 mins early for a interview, if i have to sit around reading for 40 mins to be 10-15 mins early thats what i do.

get there before the interview and find something to do so that you walk into their building with 10-15 minutes before you are due to be interviewed.
read this: ITS BETTER TO BE 2 HOURS EARLY THAN TO BE 1 MIN LATE. Trust me, if ur late, u just forget about it bec ur chances get slimmer each quarter of a second ur late.
An hour early - then find spmewhere to have a cup of coffee before you go in! I wouldnt recommend being late if you want the job!
Be an hour earlier but don't present yourself too early.Have a wonder around first.

First rule to an interviewer is DON'T be late, be clean an tidy.If you're later you will be sweaty and flustered.

Not a good look.

Good Luck.
It is much much better to arrive one hour early than to arrive 10 mins late. I have conducted several job interviews myself and punctuality is a very important factor. I will not allow anybody who comes late to be interviewed at all. So please take the interview seriouly and get there one hour early.
Don't be late...By being early it shows commitment to the position and that you are excellent with time keeping. You do not have to arrive early for the interview go for a coffee or do some shopping. If nowhere local to go turn up and be honest it will impress them...
A couple o points

Get there about 5 or 10 minutes prior to the interview.

This is part of the interview process, if you cant get there for this most important time, how will you turn up for work on time .

If you get there one hour before then you have to wait around , calm down reflect on the interview and prepare your self.

As an employer we get nervious as well and like to look professional turning up early sometimes can cause the person doing the interview being unpreparedand not have there prepared questions availible .

I have done this and the interview has gone crap

any how Good luck
If you want the job turn up early to the interview.

Even if you phone to say you will be late you will NOT get the job. I have seen Managers/Secretaries turn people away at the Reception Desk for being so much as a minute late.
Go for an hour early, at least if the bus is late you will still be early. Like others have said grab a coffee and be as relaxed as possible. Good luck.
Arriving ten minutes late would be a really good way to remove yourself from consideration for the job. For most employers, lateness all but automatically removes you from contention.

If you're really early, walk around the block a few times, read a book, get a cup of coffee........whatever. Come in 10 or 15 minutes before your scheduled time, and you'll look like someone who was smart enough not to waste his boss's time.

Your forethought and effort at courtesy will make a good impression, and a good answer to a "what have you done to deserve this job?" kind of question.
Early - without a doubt. You will be competing with other people who will be on time. On a "points" basis - being late loses you points - so you have to be extra good (and give a really good explanation of your lateness) to get those points back.

You can think positively about this. At least you think far enough ahead to be aware of the travel problem and plan to circumvent it.

Depending on the company / industry, you could spend the hour reading the company's internal bulletin, reading about the industry. If it's not that type of job then take a good book with you.

Good luck.
Never, ever, arrive late. It's unlikely they'll even speak to you, the interviewers have a schedule to keep to as well.

I'd take the early transport and while away the extra time by taking a walk, go for a coffee etc., then present yourself maybe 15 minutes early.
The early bird catches the worm,,,,
You want to arrive aout 10-15 minutes before the interview. If you are late, you will have no chance at getting the job. Also if you are an hour early, they will probably want to know why. As soon as you explain that you have to come by bus, it is a red flag that you will have restrictions on when you can come and go from the job, and you will have no chance at getting the job.

So "arrive" an hour early, but then enjoy a coffee, book, etc. until a few minutes before the interview. Arrive at the actual interview site about 10 minutes in advance. No mention of difficulties getting there.
I would make sure I got there early. No excuses no reasons just get there on time. Many employers would not give you a job if you are unreliable at the interview. In fact if I was interviewing you I would be "out of the office" or the vacancy would be filled.
Personally I'd get there an hour early, and find a cafe nearby, and have a nice relaxing coffee. If it's an industrial area that might be harder...

Your other option would be to ring the interviewer, and ask for an interview 10 minutes later. I'm not sure how this would be taken... It might be seen as a sign of confidence, or they might see you as being difficult. Either way, it's not going to be make-or-break so give it a shot.
Don't even bother showing up if you are 10 minutes late.

Your ONLY choice is 1 hour early. It's not as if you have to go to the interview directly from getting off the bus. Just kill about 1/2 an hour THEN go to the interview.

Seriously, you have zero chance of getting the job if you show up late. I must admit I question your even having to ask.
Is the time of the interview already set? I had once been scheduled an interview, but I canceled it because it did not work on my time. I would suggest you call them up, and tell them you're availability has been changed. I'm sure they will understand.
get there a hour early, as this will show that you are keen for the job

How much is the penalty for getting late new tags on a car?

i just bouht a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and i'm not sure i will have the money to get the tags on time (due April 29th) how much is the penalty for getting them lets say 3 weeks late?? (maybe May 20th). i live in Missouri. thanks in advance.

How much is the penalty for getting late new tags on a car?comedy club

Just bought it? Then you should have a temporary registration, and if stopped this should not be a problem.

If you go a short time past the renewal date, they may just allow you to come in with the new tags and show them. A few days is a few days, not a couple weeks.

How much is the penalty for getting late new tags on a car?sheet music opera theater

The only penalties is if a cop gives you a ticket. My boss parked a car for 2 years. When he went to get the tabs, he just had to pay for the years it did not have any.
I dont' know about Missouri but in Texas there aren't any penalties for getting your tags late...just the cost to get them again, usually runs about $50 here. And of course the tickets if you get caught! lol.

It is getting close to being an hour late coming on line. This is the only way I can speak to my ado

It is getting close to being an hour late coming on line. This is the only way I can speak to my adopted Dad

It is getting close to being an hour late coming on line. This is the only way I can speak to my adopted Dad?concerts

He doesn't have an e-mail address or phone or some other means than yahoo-answers?

What's going on that you have to speak with him this way?

It is getting close to being an hour late coming on line. This is the only way I can speak to my adopted Dad?headache opera theater

i dont get it

Why are people not getting married or marrying now in their late 20's to late 30's?

I mean here in the USA. Why are people getting married so late in age now?

Why are people not getting married or marrying now in their late 20's to late 30's?playhouse

I am in my mid-20's and I just don't feel ready to settle down or make such a life long commitment right away. If I ever do get married it probably won't be until my late 20's early 30's. I am still young and I still want to experience certain life lessons and goals on my own before I enclude someone on my journey through life.

Oh and just for the record I have a boyfriend and we have been together for a year and ahalf.

Why are people not getting married or marrying now in their late 20's to late 30's?plays opera theater

Why is 20-30s considered late?
I'm getting married in a couple of years hopefully. Maybe by the end of this year. I'm 21. I would say that people are getting married when they're older b/c they want to make sure they're financially stable to take care of a family or they're just not ready yet.
because they are smart. They want to accomplish other things first - such as having fun, traveling, going to college, etc.
What are those old geezers thinking with getting married now, they are just so old! LOL!

Actually, that's really sad when getting married and having children in your thirties is considered "late."

I'm 24, I guess it's too late for me, huh? I guess I should of got knocked up when I was 14, married some guy because I thought I was in love with him, got pregnant again, dropped out of high school and had 4 more kids. Yeah, right.

It sickens me to think that when I get old, I'm going to have one of these numbheaded kids of this generation taking care of me while I'm in a nursing home...
Because there is a lot of life to live before I get buckled down and I live the married life. I don't want to be my parents right now, I want to be 22, experience life and do what I want. I want to be free to go places and take trips and spend the weekends with friends. I have a whole lifetime ahead of me to be married, have a career and have kids and do that whole thing. I want that eventually, just not right now.
Well, today is my 30th birthday and I just got engaged two weeks ago. The reason I waited so long was because I wanted to establish myself as a whole before I became half of a marriage. I never wanted to be in a position where I would be completely crushed without a man. So I graduated from college, got a job, bought a house, got a better job, and now . . .I'm ready.
People are getting married later now because they want to get their college degree and be facially stable before getting married.
From a historical perspective - several reasons.

1) Today's economy requires a significant amount of the population to go to college and get an education (delays marriage).

2) Women aren't property (and therefore are not forced to marry).

3) Women can work at a job that supports them (and therefore do not need a husband to survive)

4) The culture of the U.S. is encouraging people to extend adolescence further than 18 years... is encouraging people to find themselves and focus on themselves when they are young (hence the answers - i want to hang out w/ my friends, go places, not be my parents, have fun, etc).

5) The culture of the U.S. has also encouraged both men and women to get a career first and a family after that.

6) There is nothing taboo about being in your upper 20s and being single (unless your mom really wants grandkids, lol).

7) Living together and having children without being married has much less stigma than it did say 50 years ago (and therefore there is less pressure to have a wedding)

8) Many people don't really believe in marriage anymore (and therefore will live together before marriage)

9) Technology has made it easier to have children in your early 30s (but there is still a significant risk of having a baby with down synrome after age 35).

10) People are living longer - and putting off this part of their life because 40 is the new 30.
Because people are becoming more and more selfish. They're not happy f((king one person in their life. They want to f***k at least 5-6 people in their life.
Marriage is a big step. Not everyone is cut out for it. You have to be committed to that one person forever most marriages including mines failed in less than a year.

Most people want to be stable before they tie the knot money wise and be ready to live with someone while sharing bank accounts, credit and possiblity of having a family.

They're more divorces than marriages now a days and that's scary but true!

I started taking YAZ birth control and now I am 4 days late getting my period could I be pregnant?

I started taking the YAZ birth control in January and I have read about numerous people getting pregnant off that birth control. I am now 4 days late getting my period and am never ever late. I have taken home pregnancy tests and one from the doctor and they all come up negative. Is there a chance I am still pregnant or am I just scared. Has anyone else had problems with YAZ

I started taking YAZ birth control and now I am 4 days late getting my period could I be pregnant?classical music

Yes, and since its a low dose birth control the chances are even greater. Make sure you call you ob and get seen asap. Birth control is not good for the baby if your still taking it. They can also do a blood test and tell you for sure. Also, it may have just messed up your cycle and you might not be pg. Give the dr a call to find out for sure.

I started taking YAZ birth control and now I am 4 days late getting my period could I be pregnant?ms stress opera theater

well they do advise with ANY birthcontrol that for the first month you use another form of bc as well. so it could be possible
my girl was wondering a bout raz...she not going on it now
Birth control or not... if you've done the deed then there is always the chance you will be pregnant.

As for being four days late, there are several possibilities:

1) Ovulated Late.

Even if you do normally have a consistent cycle, there is always the possibility that your cycle is different this month, especially if you have started taking a medication related to birth control.

2) Didn't Ovulate

It's possible you are completely skipping a period. I know that back in collage, DW had a particularly stressful class that her cycles shut down until the class was over (sort of like how many athletes stop having periods).

3) Pregnancy/Miscarriage

You got pregnant, but almost instantly miscarried. That means you body started to act like it was pregnant, but by the time you went for a blood test, the level of Hcg was below the line that is considered 'pregnant'.

If both a HPT and the doctor have said negative so far, odds are that you are not pregnant and it's just a temporary symptom of either starting the BC or some other change in your life you've recently experienced. Til AF shows up, you won't know for sure. If you haven't started in about 5 days, try another HPT.
I am on Yaz an dhave been for 3 months now. I always started my period on time until I started taking Yaz. I asked my doc about it and he said since Yaz has 24 active pills instead on just 20 like some other birth controls, it could cause your cycle to be thrown off until your body gets used to taking the 24 active pills. You're not alone!

As far as being pregnant, you can get pregnant on any birth control. You have to take it properly to make it work properly. Hope this helps!!
Probably not, I was on Yaz, and my period would come a week early, so it will take time for your body to get used to it. I ended up switching because of it... but give it some time, its only been a month.
You could always be. There is some controversy surrounding that particular pill.

I am getting to australia melbourne on xmas day late at night will there be any shops open to get fo

im getting there late at night bout ten will any shops be open or do they all shut?? just to get something to eat.

I am getting to australia melbourne on xmas day late at night will there be any shops open to get food?performing arts

Xmas day like all cities most things will be closed try crown complex (CASINO) there should be plenty of cafes and food courts that will be open

I am getting to australia melbourne on xmas day late at night will there be any shops open to get food?binoculars opera theater

Remeber Mel,is like New york the city that never sleeps,
Melbourne is not like New York. It does get some sleep, and especially on Christmas.

Most supermarkets close on Christmas Eve and open either late night on Christmas Day or on Boxing Day morning. Seven-Eleven convenience stores are ones open throughtout the year, and you should be able to find them around the city, and many petrol stations. They offer snacks and some grocercies, but at higher costs.

The cafes and snack bars in Crown complex are open, and the snack bar within the casino is operation till later hours.

Best of luck.
at the airport when u arrive, you can get Mcdonalds, and other fast foods.

If you are looking to go to a restaurant.. well bcos of christmas functions, all will be booked out.

Is there any meaning for dreams? Missing a flight by getting late - i saw it so many times!?

Am 26 Year old, Auditor. I hv seen this dream so many times, sometimes i miss the esams by not taking the hallticket or getting late for exams. .. Is there anything wrong with me? or my future? am a bit tensed.

Is there any meaning for dreams? Missing a flight by getting late - i saw it so many times!?symphony

Let me analyze this dream for you.

Missing flight or getting lage for exams shows your neverous on important events. In reality, you may not be like that. However, unconsciously you constantly remind yourself that you are a punctual person. Yes, it happens to people sometimes. Some people cannot sleep at not. In you case, you are just overstressed and let it go in your dream which I think it is better than losing sleep.

exam = something important

flight = motivation to important event.

In reality you may have lots of things to do, like auditing someone's accounting. You do not want to miscalculate numbers. You tend to be precise all the time. You probably don't often make mistake and unconsciously you allow youself to make mistake in your dream. That seems to the only way you can vent or relief your stress.

However, in this case, since you are tensed. It is not that healthy. Try to do something like yoga, exercise, milke before you sleep. You have to let your mind go first.

Is there any meaning for dreams? Missing a flight by getting late - i saw it so many times!?performing arts center opera theater

Maybe God is telling u thru dreams like He did with Jacob that the time for His return is coming near and you need to be prepared before is too late
It seems you are putting things on tomorrow what you can do today
Being late is just something you think about too often. So your dreams just reflect that fact. Start being early, and worrying about the task at hand and the dreams should change.
although I think God occasionally speaks in dreams or sends us a warning. I think the majority of our dreams express our hidden anxiety that we keep down during the day by force of will.

You are just anxious, I would say, are you a Christian? prayer helps especially in tongues as that allows our spirit to express things to God that we are not conscious of.

If you are not a christian, you could try going out for walks, I guess that releases the good chemicals in the brain.
No, it just means that you feel like you are missing out on something exciting you could be doing. After all, an auditor isn't the most glamourous job in the world. You should probably take up an exciting hobby:.scuba diving, paragliding, orsomethingequally as exciting.
I looked these up in a dream interpretation book. The book's answers indicate that you subconciously feel unprepared for something and it is troubling you in your sleep. It could be feeling unprepared for a life challenge or for meeting a goal or living up to someone's expectation of you in some way. The book suggested that you think about what you might be feeling stressed or insecure about in real life and work on either being better prepared or lessening the stress associated with it. Of course it could just be you are feeling life is too hectic. Being tense is what I think is contributing so I maybe you should try some stress reduction stuff. Whatever works for you; exercise, time with friends, listen to music, take a warm bath with candles,etc...
take what you will from what i'm about to say....could be wrong but i thought i'd take a chance.. maybe you know that there's something you are to be doing in or with your life, and the "hallticket" is right there but you won't take it, you are hesitant about getting started....pray about the situation. i hope i helped.
If it were me having dreams like that, I would start trying to figure out what it is I'm missing out on in life, or what I think I will miss out on, by not accomplishing something else. Before you can get on the plane, you have to buy the ticket. So, fill in the blanks in this sentence:

"Before I can_______________, I have to do______________."

As for missing exams or being late for them, I should think that would be a common anxiety in students (assuming you're in college/university) and it simply spills over into your dreams about missing flights. But exams also mean testing, finding out what you've learned and how far you have to go. Could this apply to other areas of your life--marriage, having kids, travelling, accomplishing career goals?

Why do I keep getting a BFN if my period is so late?

I am almost 2 weeks late and every test say negative? Whats wrong? I am always REGULAR. My periods are like clockwork and come on every month on the same date! This is the closest I have been in a whole year and I keep getting BFNs! I am not stressed (excited) so I know that is not it! What else could it be?

Why do I keep getting a BFN if my period is so late?performing show

I was 3 1/2 weeks late before I got my BFP. In fact, I had a negative blood test just 3 days before I got my BFP. You could have skipped due to stress or other factors, but I would act like you were pregnant until you see a second line in the window or blood on the TP. Good luck and baby dust!

Why do I keep getting a BFN if my period is so late?opera score opera theater

You should see your doctor, you might have an ovarian cyst or other condition causing you to be late.
It honestly sounds like you're stressed to me. Any woman would be if they were two weeks late but didn't know the reasoning for it, especially if they have a regular cycle. Try to calm down. And try to not test for awhile either.

You could always go to the doctor for a blood test. They are more accurate than your HPTs.
you probably aren't pregnant. Even if you have perfect cycles it's normal for them to go haywire every now and then. If you are really concerned talk to your Dr. about it. They could find out if there is an underlying problem or give you a hcg blood test to find out what (if anything) is wrong.
get a blood test.....sometimes the period could be late for no reason so a blood test by now would confirm whether you're pregnant or not. Hope this helps!
go call your doctor and make an appt. for blood test.

I am thinking of getting a yorkshire terrier again. is it too late now?

i used to have a pet dog very very long time back during the 1960's, but unfortunately the dog got run over by a car and died. The car driver never stopped and continued going. After that i was so much full of grief that i never again bought another pet dog. It was a cute yorkshire terrier that got run over by car. I still have his very old black and white picture.

Now almost 4 decades, i feel like getting a yorkshire terrier again. is it too late now and i should forget it?

i'm not able to decide because i feel that if i get a new yorkie it would not be fair to the one that got run over by car 40 years back and that his soul may not forgive me. I don't know why i feel that way.

I am thinking of getting a yorkshire terrier again. is it too late now?comedy show

Fill YOUR VOID, and get a little Yorky,.. in memory of your past dog,.. it would be an honour to him.

I am thinking of getting a yorkshire terrier again. is it too late now?greek theater opera theater

i think he would want u to move on and be happy if he was a true dogs best friend. he wouldnt want u to grieve. move on and get another dog. not to replace him but to fill a void n ur life for the want and need of a dog. but alway remember that special place n ur heart for ur late yorkie.
its not too late. your other dog wouldnt be mad at you it would be happy because you would have a companion that was making you happy the way he used to
I think that this is completely up to you, but I'm sure that your former companion would not begrudge you the comfort of having another buddy. It's never too late to have a best friend, just make sure that you make plans for if you're not around to care for the dog at some point.
Get the new dog! When I had to put my beloved dog down 7 years ago, I swore I would never get another dog. I missed her so much and I didn't want to be disloyal. But a friend gave me a puppy who turned out to be the best therapy ever for my grief.

That puppy became my best friend and remained so until she died of an inoperable brain tumor last March. Again I SWORE I would never get another dog. But I so missed my best friend and after talking to my vet, I was convinced that getting a new dog would actually be honoring my sweet girl's memory. What a compliment to her that I loved her so much and thought she was so wonderful that she made me want another dog to love. Now I have a 9 month old boxer puppy who I love desperately. I will NEVER forget my other dogs. I loved them each with my whole heart. But how great it is to have my new companion!

Please allow yourself to feel the love for another dog. It is the best thing in the world.
Its not to late, its never to late =).
After all this time, you should be able to share youself again with another friend. But at your age, make sure that you make arrangements for your friend should you get seriously ill , or God forbid, pass away.
its not like that if your dog loved you wouldnt it want you to be happy? let me tell you it is a great idea to get another yorkie me personaly i am a dog person and in my life i have had 4 labs and i cant really live without a dog and labs are my fav breed so why rob myself of joy by not having a dog? i dont see much sence in that... and btw yorkies... my 2nd fav breed! love em!! wonderful dogs get one =D
If you feel ready for another pet, its not too late. Each person has to grieve a loss in their own way. You were not ready to accept another Yorkie then.. but if you are now, go for it!

I think that your previous Yorkie would like to see you happy. He knows you are a good owner and will give the new one lots of love. What happened to him was an accident, it was not your fault.

Try adoption .. when you adopt, you save a life!
ABC you trippin... you better get another dog and put the same love for your old dog, into your new one. Just this time, dont let it out the house without the leash...glad i could help!

I hope that linked worked- you can see it's a question that I asked and the responses that I received. My heart goes out to you and damn the bastard that caused you such grief who was a coward and did not have the courage to apologise to you.

You clearly loved your dog- don't grief but feel lucky that you were able to spend time with him, even if it was for a short while, be thankful and be glad that you know you have given him a good life and that God took him away from you because he needed a beautiful dog angel to show those poor abandoned, mistreated and tortured animals what love is.

I strongly believe that your dog is up there looking at you and grieves when you grieve, he wished that he could change things as he never wants to see you be upset. He wants to love you and he can at an emotional level but as much as he wishes, he can't be by your side licking your hand just to show how much he loves you.

He is sorry that he had to leave and he is trying to tell you that he wants you to feel the love that he wanted to continue to give you.

I am sure he wants you to get another dog, ideally even adopt one rather than buying one (you know that mills dogs suffer terribly- so please don't support that and adopt a dog instead of buying a pup -the mill dogs there suffer and suffer ). I don;t know how old you are but there is nothing worst in the world than a dog being all alone because their owners are too ill to look after them- so if appropriate, make alternative arrangements just in case. I mean hey I am only 25 but touch wood, who knows what will happen tomorrow so I have made it clear to my boyfriend that I want him and my family to look after my dogs should something happen (touch wood)!

Love does not end because you are no longer physically connected, rather that love can continue to grow in your heart. You dog doesn't want to see you upset and he knows that you are capable of great love and wants you to love and care for another dog just as you did with him. Dogs are not jealous nor selfish, he wants another dog to live a good life- of course not too take his place but to be there to comfort you.

Who knows- depending on what religion you are, maybe your dog has reincarnated to be the new dog that you are thinking of getting- regardless my point is- your dog would not think this way- dogs are the most generous creatures on earth. So get another dog provided you can love and care for him/her like you had with your other dog.

To 2wesite- that is a terrible thing, what pain and suffering and panic the dog must have gone through while it was dying, as she frantically tried to get the bag off- I think that you should have been more careful to make sure nothing is left on the ground and to teach your children, I mean after all who throws empty bags on the floor anyway? I don't pity you, you are the author of your own misfortunes, I feel very sorry for your dog.
No one can judge how you're feeling inside. Many, many years ago my stepdaughter left an empty potato chip bag on the floor and we came home to a dead dog. She had gotten her head into the bag to get the crumbs and suffocated - our family was heartbroken. This was an entirely preventable accident, I still think about it. We've had other dogs since, still have two and for us us it wasn't an option to live without our dogs, they are so much a part of our lives. Everyone grieves differently when they lose a pet and the fact that you are now thinking about another probably means you are ready. Good luck.

How do I go about getting my debts paid off when they just kept adding on late fees...?

I am living on my own and I am disabled. I live off of social security. My bills are piling up and I do not see any end in sight. My health is getting worse with these extra worries. How do I go about getting my bills paid. I want to pay them, but I get one check a month and it only goes so far. With the late fees I am always behind. Example: I have a credit card. I only owed $90 on it. Now with the late fees I owe $150 on it. Please help!!!! No bad comments please.

How do I go about getting my debts paid off when they just kept adding on late fees...?events

If you don't own your own home, and you're in the US, you could just stop paying them altogether. There's a law here that says creditors can't attach social security, so if you just don't pay, they really have no recourse against you unless your loan is secured.

The other the credit companies. Most will put you on a repayment plan, and agree to dropping the late fees and will usually either reduce or eliminate the interest altogether if they understand you're on social security. They'll do this because they know that without your willingness to pay, they will get absolutely nothing due to the social security laws.

How do I go about getting my debts paid off when they just kept adding on late fees...?home theatre opera theater

Call a bill consolidation service. They might be able to help. You might also call a credit counselor. If these people can't help, they might know of someone that can.

Good luck, debt sucks.
Call each credit card company.

Ask them for help.

Ask them to give you the lowest interest rate they can.

Ask them to give you a monthly amount that you can afford.

Ask them to please reconsider the late fees. - and do this with your highest credit card company that you owe, and with the highest interest rate - FIRST!

Ask them to understand that you are asking for a reasonable accommodatin for someone with diabilities.

Ask them to please understand that you are trying as best you can, and you need and want their help.

If they don't listen, ask immediately to speak with a Supervisor, and start all over with your questions.

Try to get help with your local State welfare office, and you may be entitled to food stamps, and other State benefits.

Call the local churches and ask them for any help they have, and some have organizations that could help you.

Ask for help from your utility company as they have benefits for those who need help with payments.

GOD bless us one and all, always.

MBA-Boston Univ.

The first thing you should do is seek out some local professional advice - in the UK we have the citizens advice bureau and the national debt helpline who offer free assistance.

In principal, you should get in contact with your creditors - at the moment you are probably just an account number which is processed automatically - make yourself known.

Most lending institutions want you to manage your debt (in the UK, they are obliged to help you), so when making contact, tell them you are having problems meeting the payments, ask for a freeze on interest and charges, ask them for time to pay and finally, suggest a realistic payment period - even $5 a month is fine as long as you can afford it and as long as you can show why it is all you can afford.

The first letter should ask to establish a voluntary payment agreement. Assuming they agree, you will then probably be asked to suggest a payment and perhaps submit a short summary of your income and outgoings.

Deal with it in writing and tell them that - firstly it gives you more time; secondly, it gives you an opportunity to think about the questions they will ask. Also, if they ever have to go to court to get an order, the written correspondence will prove your good intentions and make it difficult to show you as a bad debtor. Remember, if you are not intending to default on payment, it is much harder to treat you as such.

The downside is that your credit card will be of no use until it is paid off (although if you use it for essential services, they may agree to a limited facility).

Hope that helps.
I like answer #3 - beware of trusting just any credit counselor - they don't do this stuff for free. The local banking community in my area jumped on board to help people because of the amount of abuse with this type of service. Good luck
You should call your local Trustee's Office can't file bankruptcy of any kind w/out completing a financial education class. The Trustee will provide you a list of approved classes.....You need to take it and then when you decide IF Bankruptcy is the way to go, you are ready to file.....

However, if your total debt is less than 5K, I'd pay them off......since your credit is already destroyed.....why don't you just pay on ONE card (smallest balance first) all the money you can, then after that is paid off....put all your efforts into the next card....

Those accounts are probably closed for constant late pymts anyway, so if your goal is just to get them paid off, who cares if you focus on one card at a time - the damage is already done.

Further, you should also call each creditor - and politely ask them to waive the late fees for a finite period of time...(this won't work if you don't make any monthly payment to them).....
Claim Bankruptcy.

Imax theatre's?

I heard about this imax theatre that was just built not to long ago, but I don't know the name of it and can't seem to map it on yahoo. Its located near genesys hospital in grand blanc. somewhere off of Holly road I was told. Does N E one know about this Imax theater and if so then what is it called and how can I get there.


Imax theatre's?opera music

Your IMAX theaters are located here:

Celebration! Cinema-North

2121 Celebration

Grand Rapids MI




Celebration! Cinema, Lansing

200 E. Edgewood Blvd.

Lansing MI




AMC Forum 30 with IMAX

44681 Mound Rd.

Sterling Heights MI




Showcase Cinemas Ann Arbor

4100 Carpenter Road

Ypsilanti MI




Henry Ford IMAX

20900 Oakwood Blvd

Dearborn MI




Detroit Science Center IMAX Dome Theatre

5020 John R Street

Detroit MI




Imax theatre's?opera sheet music opera theater

I dont know which one your talking about...Where do you live?? Because there's one in Austin Texas not made so long ago.
There's one in Chicago.

What is iMax theatre?

What is an iMax theatre exactly?

What is iMax theatre?phantom of the opera

It is a movie/film theater with a huge screen...i think about 60 feet tall. Documentaries as well as big time movies can been seen on them. Some are at museums and such.

What is iMax theatre?listen to opera opera theater

not going into anything technical it is a theater with a big wrap around screen.
A film technology, developed in Canada, but now exploited in the United States. Huge cameras shoot huge rolls of film to be projected on to huge screens. In the IMAX theaters, the film is high enough and wide enough to include the whole visual field of the viewer, thus making the experience closer to that of the "mind movie". In the OMNIMAX theaters, this effect is further enhanced by projecting the image on a semi-circular surface.

IMAX (for Image Maximum) is a film projection system that has the capacity to display images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film display systems. A standard IMAX screen is 22 m wide and 16 m high (72.6 x 52.8 ft), but can be larger. IMAX is the most successful large-format special-venue film presentation system.

Personally, I think IMAX is over-rated. Digital Projection is awesome, but most of the IMAX MPX's that are popping up lately aren't much of an improvement to me. Sure, it's a bigger picture, but I'm not going to pay the $15 or so to watch an already expensive movie. Dinner and a movie is already expensive... that's what a home theatre is for... cook yourself and lounge while watching a movie without people and their cell phones disturbing you.

I really need a picture of sheakespeare's globe theater with labeled stage parts!!!?

i need it quick!

please and thank you!

I really need a picture of sheakespeare's globe theater with labeled stage parts!!!?soap opera


I really need a picture of sheakespeare's globe theater with labeled stage parts!!!?city opera opera theater

The link below may be the best you'll find. If you're wanting a detailed listing of all the hardware that was involved in stagecraft at the time, you'll need to do a library trip.

Which is the best seat to sit in an Imax theatre?

I am gonna watch a movie in an Imax theatre for the first time. Usually in normal cinemas the middle seats in the rear are the best seats to view the movie; So as far as Imax theatres are concerned where to sit to get the full exiting movie experience??

Which is the best seat to sit in an Imax theatre?opera mini

toward the front and in the middle. the middle front and in the middle

Which is the best seat to sit in an Imax theatre?passions soap opera opera theater

There are only two places to sit on the I-max the Middle rows and the back rows. Being up tooo close to the screen makes every thing look awful and kind of blury. Think of it like a mosaik up close it looks like crap but from far away it is marvelous.

I need to make a model of Shakespeare's globe theater?

I need to use materials such as cardboard and other materials that will be easy to stand, but anything will work... Thanks

I need to make a model of Shakespeare's globe theater?extension

There is a type of craft foam that is sold at many craft stores that would be perfect. It comes in big blocks and is easily cut and sanded. Once you're done, you can use spray primer on it then paint it with regular paint. The foam is usually a dark forest green or grey color.

Good luck on your project. Have fun with it!

I need to make a model of Shakespeare's globe theater?movie theater opera theater

I'm not sure if you're asking what the Globe looks like, or how to make a free-standing model, but here are some ideas...

Here's a model for sale. It will give you a pretty good idea of what the finished model of the Globe should look like:

Here's a layout to make a model, but you'll have to figure out how to make it bigger:

Here are instructions for building a model, but they are fairly complicated. Take from them what you can:

You can make the model out of cardboard, but it would probably be easier to work with illustration board or poster board (or for something really sturdy use foam board).

I would get any of these in white. Then you can paint or use markers to add the look of brown, wooden beams and thatched roof.

I'm looking for a downloadable picture of the Globe Theater.?

The one in Shakespeare's time. Exterior view. I'm a literature

teacher and will use it in class.

I'm looking for a downloadable picture of the Globe Theater.?secure browser

here you go..... just right click over the pic with your mouse and save.... if its no good look in google and then images..type globe theater and theres quite a few. good luck,

I'm looking for a downloadable picture of the Globe Theater.?home theater opera theater
Type globe theatre into google images
The Globe

4 exterior photographs:

2 interior photographs:

London Globe

What did the actors do to show that the Globe Theater play was canceled?

Its 4 my shakespere language homework.

What did the actors do to show that the Globe Theater play was canceled?opera singer

They performed for free at the edge of the banks of the Avon.

About how much are groundling tickets at the New Globe Theater and how do you find a schedule of sho

First, there are several New Globe Theaters. As always the groundling tickets are cheapest, but then you have to stand or sit ... if you are referring to the one in London, they run about five pounds or ten dollars, depending on the production. By the way, I've been to a couple of their productions and they aren't very good. Stratford and the Royal Shakespeare Company is soooo much better.

About how much are groundling tickets at the New Globe Theater and how do you find a schedule of shows there?met opera

2007 Theatre Season

If you've never been before you will love it, I visited a few years ago and saw a production of "The Merchant of Venice." Fantastic, here's all the information you need. Have a great time.

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

New London Globe

At an IMAX theatre, is there a "best seat in the house"? Specifically the IMAX @ WorldGolf

At any IMAX theater the "best" seat in the house will be the seat closest to center. (Middle seat of the row that is halfway between the front and back rows.) This will provide the best viewing and listening experience.

IMAX theatre. i've never been, is it good? how much does it cost?

i live 20 miles from the one in Bradford. Dunno the price, but is well worth going to see it. Go now, go on.

IMAX theatre. i've never been, is it good? how much does it cost?opera house

is good but can be dizzying. idk how much tho

IMAX theatre. i've never been, is it good? how much does it cost?dream theater opera theater

yeh its ace
It's better than yahoo because yahoo sucks.
It is amazing. The cost depends on where you are and what movie you are seeing. I know around where I live, you get a discount if you buy IMAX and Musem admission together (when IMAX is attached to a musem). Your best bet is just to call.
yeah its cool...depends wot movie u the uk its 7 quid...worth it
my brother knows ill e-mail you when he gets up ray_495
Oh it's so great! A really fun experience! It's a little more costy than a movie but so worth it! You gotta try! You feel like you're IN the movie!
Bigger and 3D isn't always better but whether or not it is worth it depends upon the movie. You will have to check with the theater you're considering as the admission price varies from place to place.
Eh, it's okay. I've only been to one once (Harry Potter 5) and it didn't like rock my socks off. My ticket cost $16, plus one part of it was in 3D, which was pretty cool.

If you're happy going to your regular theatre stick with it.
Usually 7.00 adult

it is totally awesome experience

i prefer the 3D Imax over the regular Imax (who wouldn't?)

But go and experience it watching a really good movie and sit in the middle section lower prom for best view
well, my friend told me it was fun
OMG......I just went to see HARRY POTTER Order of the Phoenix and I have never been to an IMAX before it was awesome...The ticket cost where I went in IL was $12 I totally recommend that you see a movie on it.
IMAX is pretty cool. I really wouldn't bother going for some movies though. I've been to see Superman, The Ant Bully, Deep Sea 3D twice, and the Haunted Castle. Take my advice. Don't see movies that you can go out and buy, i.e. Superman. It costs like $12.00 and it's not even 3D the whole way through. Prices vary on the movies length, the popularity, the release date, etc.
I love the IMAX when I go out of town I make it a point to stop and see a movie at an IMAX theater. There is nothing better, the screen is huge and clear, the surround sound is great, and it actually feels like your in the movie, depending on what film you see. Now the prices vary from $12-18 dollars, but its well worth it. I love It!
an IMAX theater is really cool because it is a gigantic screen. it costs a little bit more than general admission to a regular theater but it is worth it.
I dragged my beloved to see the last Harry Potter. The last 30 minutes or so is in 3D at the IMAX. It cost a bit more than a normal ticket, but was well worth it. He's not your normal HP fan, hasn't read a one of the books, but was totally spellbound!!!!

The sound quality is fantastic and obviously the picture is crystal clear.

I'll definitely go again to see other movies in IMAX.

It,s getting late and the moon?

It,s getting late and the moon is climbing high.Mummy say,s

i have to good to bed ,but i have prayed for you johnnie ,when

you are converted please strengthen you brother,s. My friend

was banned from answer by yahoo .Could you tell me why

it was reported as abuse

It,s getting late and the moon?

he may have been rude to other people and they reported him. it happens all the time, have a good night sleep

It,s getting late and the moon?amc theatre opera theater

Your friend must have posted something blatantly racist or otherwise insulting to some group/nationality/culture. Yahoo lets people get by with a lot, but there are limits.

Is it getting late where you live?

Damn! I must be getting old! It's only 9:30 %26amp; I think it's late!!! lol

Is it getting late where you live?opera mobile

Same Bat Time, same Bat Channel

Is it getting late where you live?imax theatre opera theater

Would you say 1:30 am was "getting late"? It's 1:30 here in the UK.
It's only 6:30 here.
Nah, only about 6:30 right now. But this getting dark early thing is for the birds.....
Its only 6:30pm here--

I guess its late for some things, but still early for others...

Right now it is 9:34 pm.It get's dark so early now that's why it seems later.(Ohio)Have a good night.
I feel like it is later than it is only 9:43 PM. But it has been a long day ! Have a good night !
I am in the same zone as you. That may be the Twilight Zone, but at least we're happy!
well it is 10:04 over my way!!
later here
Well it's 10:30 here and yeah i believe its getting late.. I guess im just tired.. Getting old too.. My birthday is coming up and im gonna be 31 so yep getting old..

deb :)
7:48 in Vegas
You arent getting older. Just better

Its getting really late and i cant sleep!!?

its getting late..i cant sleep, and i have school tomorrow.. how can i get to sleep soon??

Its getting really late and i cant sleep!!?opera sheet music

Get up and do something for a while, read or do something else which is relaxing.

I know when i cant sleep its usually because my mind is in overdrive thinking of something or someone and i just need to change what im thinking about. So reading for a while should do the trick

Its getting really late and i cant sleep!!?shows opera theater

Where do you live? It's Spring Break!!

Get up and read a boring book!
take a shower. i know for most people it wakes them up, but showers make me exhausted!!!
u should prolly get off the computer...

maybe put on some calming music :)

hope this helps
Drink some warm milk. It works for my fiance. : )
ocean sounds they work for me
That's okay, it's 3:30 in the morning here and I have to get up at 6! But anyways, try reading - that sometimes helps me feel tired. Or you could try counting sheep, strangely enough that has worked for me.

I am getting late and my senior is engrossed talking, how do i effectively convey that i will have t

i have a problem how to convey my senior that i am getting late as he loves to talk and keep going on, then i end up working long hours and work loads. Kindly help me to tackle him effectively.

I am getting late and my senior is engrossed talking, how do i effectively convey that i will have to go?listen to opera

I am sure you do have something pressing to do. say that I love to talk more but I have ----- to do. we will catch up later. offer your hand in hand shake or that knuckle thing. leave at that.

I am getting late and my senior is engrossed talking, how do i effectively convey that i will have to go?concert venue opera theater

look at your watch. shout "oh my....i am going to miss my train". tc bye see ya tomorrow morning.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Its getting kind of late- and my boyfriend is having dinner with his friends- should i call him or n

my bf went to have dinner with a group of friends (guys and girls) h invited me but i had to finish up some work at home, so i didnt go...

but its getting kind of late, and im starting to get jealous...

should i

A)call him (although ill feel like his MOM)


B) just relax and lay back- he doesnt need a clingy girlfrind checking up on him...

Its getting kind of late- and my boyfriend is having dinner with his friends- should i call him or not?city opera


Its getting kind of late- and my boyfriend is having dinner with his friends- should i call him or not?performing shows opera theater

just call him...what if he hooked up with someone?
Id call him
Just chill out. Take a bath or sing along to loud music and dance to take your mind off of it. Whatever you do, don't call him (even though you really want to). He'll appreciate it and it will make him miss you even more, honestly.
NO! Let him know that you trust him and do not smother him. Nothing scares a guy off faster than that! Just be extra attentive tohim next time you see him so his thoughts turn back to you and make him want to be with you. Next time, he will probably come back sooner, or only go if you do too.
Do what your common sense dictates. Have a great day.
stop being jealous, he asked if you wanted to go and you said no, let him live his life.
You answered your own question......does he like it when you call him to say hi and see how he is.....cause I do........... or do you constantly call him and make him feel like he cant be trusted?
you really need to just relax %26amp; not be jealous. he asked you %26amp; you said you couldn't. so, he didn't do anything wrong, so let it go. he doesn't have a kerfew with you, so there you go.
I would just relax for a little while longer...obviously if he invited you, hes not planning on hooking up with anyone right??
ofcourse call him.. ask him.. when hes coming.. nothing like mommy thing..

whts wrong..
What do you think he's doing? It seems that it's you with the issue not him. If you definately have to call him just call and say that you were going to bed and wanted to say goodnight. Other than that there's nothing to say. Let him enjoy yourself. You're the one that chose not to go.
Girl! Call him and join the group. SO you took care of buisness. THere is nothing wrong wanting to be responsible and then play. If he trips, then that is his problem. Enjoy yourself. Call and join the party. :)
Call him, u have every right to call him because he's your man.

Call him, tell him you miss him and would like to knwo what time he'll be back so you can prepare yourself for some nice cuddling.

It's some sort of a reminder to him that he should behave and not get into any hanky-panky with some other girls.
just relax let him do his own thing you have to trust him unless he give you a reason not to trust him and the last thing that he needs is another mother
Call him tell him you miss him and you wanted to hear his voice before you go to sleep but don't keep him on the phone long or his friends will think he is a wuss and that he cant go anywhere without you checking on him.
if u know around wat time, wait til right at the moment that his friends leave and call him, tell him that u didnt wanna interrupt or u would have called sooner, he'll know u care, but he will also know that u respect him enuf to not be clingy ALL the time, like when hes hangin wit friends
You should not call....that would only show that you are jealous. Time will tell if it's meant to be. Just try to relax and get your mind off of it. When your emotions have calmed down ....maybe in a couple of days....then you might want to find the right time to approach him about how worried you get about him when he doesn't call. You might also want to mention to him that a quick phone call or text message is just something that should be done in order to develop a strong trusting relationship.
just text msg him and dont ask where ru and stuff..just say I MIS U HERE SOOO MUCH!! RU MISSING ME THERE??

If he replies....THUMBS UP!!

and he might even call....

not that u cant call.....but do call if u can...dont think negative,after all he's ur guy u love him....but justt stress the point saying I MISS U ru enjoying? what the food menue? make few jokes on the available people....add few girls u know....the girl sitting opposite to you is sweet etc....

I hope u got my point....

the best thing u can do is...send him a rose or a wild flower to the destination through some1 with a note saying....DO U MISS ME THERE?? I MISS U HERE!! just be creative...and yeah about the jealousy..IT ONLY COMES WHEN U REALLY LOVE SOME1...BE HAPPY ABOUT IT AND SHOW THAT U LOVE HIM.....WITH OR WITHOUT UR PRESENCE!!

Hope this helps you,


I am 13 days late still getting BFN whats going on??

I am 12 days late.. I have been on clomid for 2cycles I was due to start my Period on Jan 23 I have not even had any light spotting Nothing at all no AF cramps...But My body feels really different I feel slight cramping like in my ovaries or uterus well in that area anyway..I know its not AF cramps cause its not all the time and its really slight Thats been going on for about 2 1/2 weeks now.I took a test on the day of my missed period then again a little bit ago both negative...Some things I have been feeling are- I been really tired, Some nausea not to the point of throwing up but more like an uneasy feeling Plus I feel like my breast are getting bigger I have been getting dizzy alot. But if I am pregnant why am I still getting negatives??

Any answers will help and give me so hope of seeing my first BFP after 2 years of TTC...Thanks !!

I am 13 days late still getting BFN whats going on??passions soap opera

See a doctor for a blood test because not every woman is detected by a hpt!

You may be pregnant and the tests are just not picking up the HCG.

Be safe and see a doctor.

Good luck 2 u ;-)

I am 13 days late still getting BFN whats going on??mr messed up opera theater

not all urine shows pegnancy get a blood test best of luck
call your doc and schedule a blood test. some people dont show on hpt's. a friend of mine NEVER showed on one through her entire pregnancy with her daughter...GOOD LUCK
An excellent question %26amp; one I'm hoping to find the answer to!

Am in the same position as you, AF due on 22nd Jan, ov'd on 9th Jan (according to Fertility Friend, based on BBT, ferning %26amp; CM) but all tests so far negative.

I'd also heard that some women never have the hcg hormone levels in their urine, so never show +ve on a urine based test.

Does anyone know why this is?

Will be following this thread with interest :o)

Good luck %26amp; hope you get your BFP soon.
I don't know much about clomid...but is it possible it could be messing with your cycles or causing these symptoms? Have you read the side effects of the medication?

It is definitely possible that you are pregnant and it is not showing up on urine tests (it is actually quite common). I would suggest you go for a blood test. Good luck!
It's not unusual to have a false negative on one of those tests. It sounds like you all of of the symptoms . You are Probably Pregnant111 Congrats-bet you are pregnant go ahead and go to the doctor and request a blood test-it will show!!!

Repost someone please answer...late ovulation...getting pregnant when you didnt think you ovulated?

If I last had my period on June 30th and it was normal and then had sex everyday from July 12 through the 28th and it is now Aug 8th and if I were pg then wouldnt I be getting a definite positive? I mean I see something there but its it really there kind of lines not a wow a positive line kind of deal. I am usually pretty regular on the 30th of the month I start or around the 2nd if there is not 30 days in that it possible to ovulate that late? I mean I know Ive heard of like 20 days ovulation but I dont know please tell me what yall think! Thanks in advance!!!

Repost someone please answer...late ovulation...getting pregnant when you didnt think you ovulated?movie theater

Yes, sometimes you ovulate later in your cycle, even if you are pretty regular. The norm is to ovulate around cycle days 12-16. But it's very possible for you conception might have occurred around cycle days 17-20, which means if you are pregnant your HcG levels might be on the low side.

If you are seeing something, even a very faint line, on the test then you ARE pregnant.

I took mine early this month and it was barely visible. Then I re-tested 5 days later and it was MUCH darker.

Best of luck!

Repost someone please answer...late ovulation...getting pregnant when you didnt think you ovulated?tickets opera theater

Its possible but rare to ovulate anytime. Even little things like stress can cause a hormone imbalance and result in late ovulation. The underline rule to home pregnancy test is if there is any kind of line at all no matter how faint it is it should still be considered positive.
Ok, here goes, I have 2 friends that were pregnant 2 different times each, both had a faint line in the possitive box, one took both tests at the Health dept. both were pregnant. There are no false positives, and if the line shows up, it means more htan likely you are, and its just really early in the pregnancy. Wait about 2 weeks, and take another one but sorry to say it sounds like you are pregnant. Congradulations!
yes, my last period was June 28 2007. I ovulated on day 26 and i have a 30 day cycle. I am now pregnant. So yes, its possibile

Tom had this problem of getting up late?

Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work. His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn't do something about it. So Tom went to his doctor who gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. Tom slept well, and in fact, beat the alarm in the morning. He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.

"Boss", he said, "The pill actually worked!"

"That's all fine" said the boss, "But where were you yesterday?"

Tom had this problem of getting up late?home theater

Please stop :-)

Tom had this problem of getting up late?comedy club opera theater

hehehehehe very good
this is annoying %26gt;:(
very good!!
hahahahaha i think you must know my mate Tom, he's always sleeping in, even when he's at work, (we do sleepovers) I have to ring him 2 hours before the boss gets in to wake him up, and he's on his last warning lol hope you don't mind, i'm gona pinch this one and send it to him hahahahahahahaaaa
ha ha ha.... no stop please.... I can't take any REALLY, stop I can't take any more
ha ha ha funny
lololol niice
You are wicked, well you have a wicked sense of humour. Another star is winging its way to you.
Slept it away ha ha.!!!

Funny again so 10/10.!!!

Cheers Frank.!!!
cute a star for you

I am 23 days late on getting my period and i took a pregnancy test but it came back negative is that

i am 23 days late on getting my period and i took a pregnancy test but it came back negative is that normal? what should i do? i am only 22 yrs old should i be missing my period like this with a negative pregnancy test?

I am 23 days late on getting my period and i took a pregnancy test but it came back negative is that normal?amc theater

First, always take at least two pregnancy tests. Usually if a pregnancy test is wrong, it is a false negative. (it says your not but you really are) it is usually just because it couldn't detect a strong enough HCG level in your urine.

As for missing your period....if you are not pregnant.....are you under a lot of stress right now? Have you changed your diet or exercise routine? Are you lacking sleep? If you have done any of the above, that very well could be the cause.


Another cause----hormones. You are still young. They are still changing periodically. I know i am 23 and my period just switched cycles. I went from a 30 day cycle to a 25 day cycle.

And another? Have you been hanging out a lot with another female? Maybe got a new roommate? Women sometimes take on the cycle of someone that they spend a lot of time with. I know I do that. I have had 3 different female roommates and my body always adapted to their cycle. Within a couple months of moving in together, we were on the same cycle.

I am 23 days late on getting my period and i took a pregnancy test but it came back negative is that normal?concerts opera theater

yeah its normal sometimes we skip a month but if u dont get it like in 3 monthes u should take a test again...
We skip months.. But, Go see your gynocologist
Test again after a few days and don't stress (I know its hard)! Stress will delay your period even more. Make sure you take a pregnancy test using blood. Its more sensitive than urine.
There could be something else going on, you may want to check with your gyno, but there is really no harm if you miss it.
take a better one in the morning b4 you drink anything


I am 6 days late and no signal of getting my period?

This is my situation i am six days late and i have no sign of me getting my period i usually get cramps and my breast get hard, but this time nothing at all..i have been having sexual relationships with my husband without protection but he has been PULLING OUT and we all know that really doesnt work ! may i be pregnant or should i wait ?? I got my period on March 20th and I was supposed to get it on the 16th .

I am 6 days late and no signal of getting my period?movie theatre

maybe your pregnant

I am 6 days late and no signal of getting my period?playhouse opera theater

congrats maybe u and ur big daddy mite be havin a baby
Don't panic yet. But if after 14 days no sign prepare for baby.
Take a test. That is the only way to find out.
dont panic ive been late b4 it could be ur body changing but then u could wait bit longer if u still think ur pregnant then take a test
Well if your period was March 20th and due again on April 16th, that means that your cycle would be 27 days and that would put you at about April 2nd or 3rd for ovulation. Do you remember if you had sex around those days? Remember, you can have sex up to 5 days before ovulation and still get pregnant, even if he pulled out. As you said, pulling out isn't 100% effective at all and sperm can live up to 5 days inside your vaginal tract. If you're 6 days late, you can definately get a test and test now. If its negative and you still don't get your period, I woiuld take another test in a few more days because its possible your hcg levels just aren't high enough yet to register. Don't be too worried though. You sound really upset and scared about this but you're married. If you are, be happy.
ooooooooo it sounds like ur pregnant yay! I don't know your situation but so far yay!!

LADIES: What is the best contraceptive? Getting married next month.Is it too late in the game to be

I don't want to get pregnant right now and he doesn't want to have to wear a cond*m, but will if he has to. Which method is the best for both of us? Since we're getting married next month, is it too late for it (i.e., The Pill) to work? Help!

LADIES: What is the best contraceptive? Getting married next month.Is it too late in the game to be effective?ballet

Conceptrol inserts. Goes in like a tampon. It's a little messy but doesn't require planning (like using a diaphram) and it's not as bad as foam. You can start immediately after it's inserted so no waiting like with the contraceptrive film.

Congrats on your upcoming wedding.

LADIES: What is the best contraceptive? Getting married next month.Is it too late in the game to be effective?globe theater opera theater

no its not to late. use the pill but ask your doc about it or the pharmisist.
I have found that the pill is the best - particularly the standard 28 day pill.

They say to wait 2 months for the pill to go in to effect.

Your best bet would be to schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN to discuss more options with you.
its probably not a good idea to try the pill. most pills take 3 months to be effective. you can take the morning after pill. You could also get the shot which has been every effective for my sister. The best thing about the shot is you only have to go every three months to get a shot. no forgetting just write it on the calender.
If you are good at remembering to take the pill..... start as soon as you can. My sister did the Depo shot but gained 35 pounds. You could have an IUD inserted. Talk to your GYN. When I started the pill a few years ago before my husbands vasectomy my GYN told me to I did not have to use anything else since you start the pill the Sunday after your period starts or on Sunday if that is the day you start your period and it takes 7 days to get into your system. There are so many different kinds of pills out there I do not remember what it was called.

Even if you are told to use alternate forms of birth control for a few weeks after you start the pill, your husband would only have to use condoms for a short time.

Congratulations and Best Wishes.

PS.... I took the pill EXACTLY as I was supposed to and 17 months after I started it we found out about baby #5!! IT IS NOT 100%
Generally, it takes about a month for birth control pills to work. I would definitely suggest getting on either pills, patch, or even the depo shot. Talk to your doc about which would be most beneficial to you. In the meantime, you may want to use a condom for that extra assurance. They do have other over-the-counter methods (for women) in the condom section. You may find that helpful. Good luck!
The safe period of the pill is one month. The pill does work if you create a strict discipline of taking it every day at the same hour. If you choose the pill always have them in the one purse you always use. Set your cellphone to beep at an hour you are comfortable (830pm works for me). First month you may stain a bit but it's normal. Go to a family planning clinic, or to your doctor. Try to do this as quick as possible. There's also the ring. Do not know the name, maybe nuva ring or something. I do not know if the effects are immediate. I really suggest you talk to a doctor or family planning specialist. You can always try the diaphragm. Do tell your boyfriend to take it easy, i mean, if you are going to get married, at first you can use condom, and as soon as it is safe with only pills or whatever contraceptive you choose, then go bare. If you are getting married, i assume is forever, so, can't he wait a month or a couple of weeks to go bare? Better to use a condom while it isn't safe, than to have a baby in the first year of marriage. Hope it works out!
I was on Ortho-tricyclen for 8 years and loved it. I went off of it and it took me only 4 months to get pregnant. Soon after I delivered I went on Depo and hated it. I spotted for 6 weeks and when I went off it I didn't have a normal period for 3 months.

At that time I started the Nuva ring which I really like and am currently using. There are many options out there. What works best for you may not work best for someone else. I also looked at webmd to make my choice based on my needs.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

Here are the sites to Ortho, Depo and the nuva ring.
If you start taking the pill on the first day of your period, it will start working in less than 1 week. I personally think pills are the best option for me. I didn't have any side effects while I was on in for 5 years. I was also worried that I wouldn't be able to get pregnant right after I get off the pill...but I got pregnant a week after I got off so if you are ready to have child you can just get off and try to have a baby. However I've heard about women getting pregnant while on the pill. If you are taken correctly at the same time everyday, it's 98% effective.
What I have found to work the best is a Copper IUD. Your doctor inserts it, and you never have to worry about it again, and it starts working right away. You simply go back to your doctor and have it taken out if would like to have a child, other than that it can stay inside of you for 10 years. Very effective, and little to no side effects.
IUD if your insurance will cover it. If not, they run about $500. You will most likely stop getting your period withing 6 months, although you may have some heavy bleeding at the beginning. The IUD stays in place for 5 years and can be removed at any time.
go to the doctor. birth control patches are good. you only have to apply them once a week.get a IUD intrauterine device). My best Friend has one and it is good for 10 years. It can be pulled out at anytime and it can take up to a year to get pregnant. Please if you are not ready for pregnancy do something. Depo shot can be effective and you r period will stop(at least most women's period do). Birth control pills are good too but with antibiotics it can stop working and you need a barrier method. I never used nor known someone to use the nuva ring ( a ring that is inserted in the vagina) but it looks like it would fall out.
I was always on the pill, the only other contraceptive that i ever used were condoms. My doctor and pharmacist say to wait 2 weeks for the pill to be effective, but a month is better. So if you start it now, you will be fine for your wedding night. If this is a first for both of you, you dont want to be fighting with a condom, you might not get the job done...hehe. good luck, and see your doctor for the pill, you dont want to be stressed out on your wedding night, and you can always use a condom if you are worried that the pill isn't working yet. If your anything like my husband and I you wont even need to worry about it. By the time we got to the hotel, we were so tired, it waited until morning. ;)
