Thursday, December 10, 2009

Getting sick from staying up late?


I am now home on summer vacation from College, and enjoying every minute of it. In about two weeks time, I am flying up to Boston for a week to see family, as well as a performance of the Boston Pops. The Friday night before I go, our local theater is hosting a showing of Jurassic Park at midnight for free. Can I get sick from staying up too late and not getting enough rest? I know its a weird question, but I ask for two different reasons.

The first one is.....a year ago I went to Disneys Grad Nite (get up for school at 7 AM, go to school all day, then go to Disney until 7 AM the next morning), and within a week I was sick. Now, I know this is different from a trip to Disney.

The second reason is...I am going to Boston, and really cannot get sick right before I go.


Getting sick from staying up late?amc theatre

The fact of staying up late does not get you sick per se. It is the consequences of staying up late that can and make you weaker (lower your immune system). Therefore, you become more prone to catch something and less capable of fighting back when you come in contact with some virus or infected bacteria. If you stay up late, try to take a nap the next day, try to avoid situations where you might get exposed to a virus or infected bacteria (avoid seeing any friend who is sick,...), take vitamins before and after, eat healthy, ... do some exercise (relieving stress). Your main goal is to help your immune system during this period when it is not as efficient as usual. Then you should recuperate by napping or going to bed early the next day. hope this helps.

Getting sick from staying up late?symphony opera theater

Yes. When you do not get enough sleep it affects you in a lot of ways least of all is lowering your immune systems resistance. With a lower immune system you will get sick more often because your body won't be able to fight off things it normally would.
You do need to get sleep for you to revive itself. Resting gives your immune system a chance to caught up with your busy life and not sleeping certainly hurts your immune system. No, you will not positively get sick if you don't get proper sleep, but you do become more susceptible
Yes lack of sleep can affect your immune system which can make you sick.

"Things that weaken the immune system are poor nutrition, lack of exercise, stress, and lack of sleep. These all increase the risk of getting sick. Anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C and Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) are considered to be good for the immune system."
Here's the thing. The cold virus is just that a virus. Your body cannot "make" the virus. You have to catch it by airbrone or other means. However, staying up late and not resting can stress your body out. Thus making you more likley to get sick than someone that has rested their body. You can try and take some herbal remedies to boost your immune system if you like and drink some OJ in advance and while on your trip. That should help but I make no promises. Have fun on your trip and try to get some rest in between when you can :)
Yes, it is very possible. The average person your age should be getting about 8 hours of sleep each night. Not getting the full 8 hours for more than one night in a row can start to lower and weaken your immune system. Your immune system is your body's defense system against germs and diseases it encounters.

I recommend working your schedule out in a day planner to ensure that you are fitting in enough time to get proper rest each night. Other things that might help: Drink plenty of water, take a vitamin c supplement as well as a zinc pill. And make sure you're eating healthy (well, fairly healthy anyways...)

Hope this helps!
You can get sick if staying up all night is stressing your immune system. The best immune system protection is "airborne", you can get it a your local grocery or drug store. It's a natural herbal mixture invented by a school teacher.
Loosing sleep can effect your immune system negatively.

By weakening your immune system you open yourself up to germs and viruses.

I would reccomend washing your hands regularly as well as taking some precautions such as oral zinc tabs and perhaps some Vit. C.
It is possible. Not getting enough sleep can weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to illness.
Try to get as much sleep as you can leading up to the trip tp avoid sleep debt. Also increase your intake of Vitamin C and Zinc to allow your immune system to function at it's best. Taking a multivitamin (which will have the vitamin c and zinc in it) is best.

While being sleep deprived can cause your immune system to be compromised, I find it hard to believe it was over one day. More than likely you caught something during that Disney trip (there's germs all over those hand railings and such) and that's what made you sick.
the first time you got sick may have been just a fluke ,but then again this could be how your body responds to lack of rest also ask yourself about other times where you didn't get enough rest and then you might have you answer,,usually illness occurs when the body receives a germ or some type of system failure so to speak if you have a weakened immune system from some other source then rest is very important.but I would guess that you can do this without getting sick good luck have fun!!

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