Am 26 Year old, Auditor. I hv seen this dream so many times, sometimes i miss the esams by not taking the hallticket or getting late for exams. .. Is there anything wrong with me? or my future? am a bit tensed.
Is there any meaning for dreams? Missing a flight by getting late - i saw it so many times!?symphony
Let me analyze this dream for you.
Missing flight or getting lage for exams shows your neverous on important events. In reality, you may not be like that. However, unconsciously you constantly remind yourself that you are a punctual person. Yes, it happens to people sometimes. Some people cannot sleep at not. In you case, you are just overstressed and let it go in your dream which I think it is better than losing sleep.
exam = something important
flight = motivation to important event.
In reality you may have lots of things to do, like auditing someone's accounting. You do not want to miscalculate numbers. You tend to be precise all the time. You probably don't often make mistake and unconsciously you allow youself to make mistake in your dream. That seems to the only way you can vent or relief your stress.
However, in this case, since you are tensed. It is not that healthy. Try to do something like yoga, exercise, milke before you sleep. You have to let your mind go first.
Is there any meaning for dreams? Missing a flight by getting late - i saw it so many times!?performing arts center opera theater
Maybe God is telling u thru dreams like He did with Jacob that the time for His return is coming near and you need to be prepared before is too late
It seems you are putting things on tomorrow what you can do today
Being late is just something you think about too often. So your dreams just reflect that fact. Start being early, and worrying about the task at hand and the dreams should change.
although I think God occasionally speaks in dreams or sends us a warning. I think the majority of our dreams express our hidden anxiety that we keep down during the day by force of will.
You are just anxious, I would say, are you a Christian? prayer helps especially in tongues as that allows our spirit to express things to God that we are not conscious of.
If you are not a christian, you could try going out for walks, I guess that releases the good chemicals in the brain.
No, it just means that you feel like you are missing out on something exciting you could be doing. After all, an auditor isn't the most glamourous job in the world. You should probably take up an exciting hobby:.scuba diving, paragliding, orsomethingequally as exciting.
I looked these up in a dream interpretation book. The book's answers indicate that you subconciously feel unprepared for something and it is troubling you in your sleep. It could be feeling unprepared for a life challenge or for meeting a goal or living up to someone's expectation of you in some way. The book suggested that you think about what you might be feeling stressed or insecure about in real life and work on either being better prepared or lessening the stress associated with it. Of course it could just be you are feeling life is too hectic. Being tense is what I think is contributing so I maybe you should try some stress reduction stuff. Whatever works for you; exercise, time with friends, listen to music, take a warm bath with candles,etc...
take what you will from what i'm about to say....could be wrong but i thought i'd take a chance.. maybe you know that there's something you are to be doing in or with your life, and the "hallticket" is right there but you won't take it, you are hesitant about getting started....pray about the situation. i hope i helped.
If it were me having dreams like that, I would start trying to figure out what it is I'm missing out on in life, or what I think I will miss out on, by not accomplishing something else. Before you can get on the plane, you have to buy the ticket. So, fill in the blanks in this sentence:
"Before I can_______________, I have to do______________."
As for missing exams or being late for them, I should think that would be a common anxiety in students (assuming you're in college/university) and it simply spills over into your dreams about missing flights. But exams also mean testing, finding out what you've learned and how far you have to go. Could this apply to other areas of your life--marriage, having kids, travelling, accomplishing career goals?
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